Company Profile

Company name: World Trading Co., Ltd.
CEO: Kunio Bessho
Business Field: Manufacturing and distributing flour tortillas, corn tortillas, and corn chips in domestic and international. Importing and exporting food products such as chile Jalapeño. Manufacturing and distributing hand-made pizza crusts, pizza and burritos by the factory of our affiliated company Alfredo Enterprise Co., Ltd. in Ayutthaya Thailand (Distributing: Thailand, Asian countries, Europe and Airline companies).
Establishment: ¥50,000,000
Capital: August 1st, 1991
Number of employees: 100


Kyoto Headquarters:

1-10 Okazaki Enshoji-cho, Sakyo-ku,

Kyoto City, Kyoto, Japan, 606-8344,

Tel: 81-75-771-7900, Fax: 81-75-771-8060


Tokyo Office:

#309 VIRA CASA GOBANCHOU 5-6 Gobanchou Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0076 Japan

Tel: +81-3-6910-0774, Fax: +81-3-6910-0784

Kanagawa Factory:

5-2-16 Ichinomiya, Samukawa-Cho, Koza-Gun,

Kanagawa, Japan, 253-0111

Tel: 81-467-72-2220, Fax: 81-467-75-7333


Sagamihara Factory:

1-17-14 Tanashiota, Chuo-ku, Sagamihara City,

Kanagawa, Japan, 252-0245

Tel: 81-42-777-6711, Fax: 81-42-777-6712


2.Message from The President
